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Refer to the taxonomy parameters section of the WP_Query documentation for more examples. Custom Field Parameters Show posts associated with a certain custom field. Following example displays posts from the ‘product’ post type that have meta key ‘featured’ with value

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Wpis 3

In this article I want to show you how to add an advanced admin panel to your WordPress theme, the admin panel will save the data using Ajax, this means that the page will not refresh when you will save

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News 2

You can retrieve information about the columns of the most recent query result with get_col_info. This can be useful when a function has returned an OBJECT whose properties you don’t know. The function will output the desired information from the

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News 1

You may save all of the queries run on the database and their stop times by setting the SAVEQUERIES constant to TRUE (this constant defaults to FALSE). If SAVEQUERIES is TRUE, your queries will be stored in this variable as

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